Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Story of Samos

Surfing in the Internet for something new in blogs connected with Greece, I found this story - it describes the daily life and how it has changed during crisis of an Greek island in the Aegan sea - Samos. This island also, like all the others, was living because of tourism, but now, because of the crisis, their future is not so bright. It includes also several examples of local people daily life changes because of the economical situation here. Here is the link:

There is a part of the story about that local inhabitants now are much more using and taking care of land - a natural source of food, of course, if you put in your work there as well. Such kind of tendency during crisis was also in Latvia -  people turned from only consuming to growing vegetables and fruits by themselves, not only because of green fashion, but mostly for surviving.


  1. Actually I am not in the same mind as you about crisis. There are lot of success stories in Latvia that I am starting to believe that crisis are only in our minds. All who wants to work can find it especially in capital city. People around 25-30 years are spoiled of good life and they want really big salary and do nothing at the workplace.
    When they will come down everything gonna be OK with them.
    When all of us will do more than we are doing right now crisis will end.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I do not think that our thoughts differ so much - my example about turning to growing food by ourselves was just and example and not a common charasteristic of all our nation. Yes, i have also heard a lot of success stories, some of them close connected with crisis when people have estabished their businesses thanks to that.
    I can also party agree that crisis is so big just because we are so much thinking about it, but for those families where both parents lose their jobs (or one of them) and stayed with still obligation to pay the debt to the bank, for them the crisis was not only in their heads. But, of course, as many people, as many stories there are.
    One more thing - how do you think, how good is that the best possibilities to find a job is in the capital city? Isn't this the worts that can be as all teh other regions of Latvia are becoming more and more empty with no future?

  3. I am agree with you for 100% about some regions of Latvia already become empty but not all. Ofcourse there are more possibilities in capital city but I know few persons who right now found their succes story outside the capital city.
    I still believe that there are only one dead region and all others still have a future.

    About crisis and unemployment.
    Not employer or small salaries or government need to take a responsibility about debts. Only person who have them need to do it.
    Right now we have interesting situation with persons who are asking for bigger salary only because of their debts. Do you think that employer need to pay debts?
    Crisis is our faulte and right now we need to fix it all together.

  4. That one dead region (and I hope that it is not so bad yet) - I feel sad for that, even if I understand that it is a normal lifecycle that those who can, develop and those who can`t... Anyway, it doesn`t help Latvia, and there are living people.

    No, I don`t support paying bigger salaries to those employees who has debts. It was their choice to borrow the money. The problem was that the period of time when Latvia had quite a good economical situation, a lot of people became short sighted and maybe got a little bit confused of all this economical growth that we were congratulated; so they borrowed meoney to live bettter - and didn`t thought and felt (most of us didn`t) that the crisis is inevitable.

    Maybe it was the same with Greece - only the pre-crisis period was longer and the recession is deeper and seems longer as well.
