Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Still going on

This time I want to show you a great post of a blogger - Greek by nationality, now living in USA - who has written a great post about the origins of Greek debt crisis in her opinion. It is quite long, but worth reading - honest, critical and sarcastic at the same time. It was interesting for me how the author described the possible ways of dealing with the situation. And also the way how  she describes tourism industry of Greece. Sο, enjoy: http://eugenia.queru.com/2011/06/20/regarding-the-greek-situation/


  1. Hmm similar situation we have here in Portugal. It is nothing new that he said. But anyway was interesting to read this article because of funny language. And my guess about solution-everything will lead us to the 3rd world war. As we look in history-every big crisis is jut a excuse to start violance. So after a while all Europe will live in stone ages. But I hope I am wrong ....

  2. I hope you are wrong too about the 3rd World War, but, of course, tehre is such possibility. But is something like that happens, it will be far in the future, because all country leaders, who are the ones who start the war, every war; I think that they are aware of how destructive the next war could be.

  3. I challenge you to get know how this crisis influence lower population layer-like prostitutes, drug dealers and so on...:D
