Monday, November 28, 2011

Just like in school

The fact that Greece is in debt crisis, knows everyone. That is mainly taken care of by Greeks themselves who do not stop complaining and protesting against the government introduced austerity measures. Here reaffirms the fact that the one, who yells the most, also receives the most – as it is for example, in a large class. In this case, the largest yeller is Greece, but my home country Latvia could be cited as an example of clumsy, shy kid, who does not know how to earn attention.

Although I do not belong to the Latvians, who supposedly took offence that the European Union made a deal about lowering the Greece debt by 50%, but for our country in a similar situation only put some more restrictions – I know that Greece as a member of the euro zone is a much more serious player.
However, I have to say that such attention to Greece did not seem fully deserved. During these two months, apart from repeated protests, I have not felt that the country would be such rough economic situation. Cafes and shops are full of customers; it means that people have money, if they are spending it. Of course, Greek feelings and expressions have already been completely different. And why should not - if I would be forced to leave my golden lounge chair to sit on a regular kitchen stool, I would be shocked as well and would demand to get me back to my throne. The people were accustomed to live many years wastefully and abundantly, but now, when have to tighten their belts - the problems with adjusting begin. The reason for this is that all this prosperity, which, at least for the workers of public sector, was provided by the government,  it was built on a completely insecure debt money and collapse of this construction was only a matter of time.

Change yourself is already difficult, it is even harder to try to change others. So, good luck, the Greek government, in trying to train your people to live more economically and to pay taxes in good faith. But if you will no succeed, maybe the good teacher European Union can help you again...


  1. Really good assessments, I totally agree. Greeks are spoiled, easy living nation, and just the thought of hard work and less partying is a disaster itself.
    I think compering Greeks with Latvians is tricky, because there exist considerable difference in temperaments (what I men is that Greeks without restaurant and coffeehouse appointments would die of from hunger)and habits.
    Greetings to my favorite easy-living country people.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Yes, I admit - putting Latvians and Greeks as a nation on one level is wrong, but as a countries these two are much more simiral - overall, we are both memberstates of European Union.

  3. A friend of mine told me you need readers and comments, so here I am. At first I was a bit scared to read a blog that was about economics and debt crisis. After reading your previous posts I think you write quite well about a heavy subject. Your observations are also refreshing compared to news.

    In Finland (that's were I'm from) there was a lot of conversation about this exact problem. There were Basic Finns who said that the Greeks are just lazy and don't deserve that much help from the EU and then there were others who said that we're the EU, we need to help each other. So in result Finland got some guarantees that the Greeks will pay them back.

    At first I thought that of course we have to help each other! But now.. I think that the Greeks are scared of sitting on that kitchen chair. That they don't want to lower their living standards. I don't know if I wanted in the same situation!

    I bet there are people who are doing really badly, but when the situation is bad you just have to change. And like you said, it's really hard to change.

    Thanks for a great and refreshing blog!

  4. Very interesting to hear something from a different angle - from inhabitant of country which was able to help and helped.The real action of one EU country helping other one is very inspiring, I have not heard that for a long time.

    And about Greeks - sitting on a kitchen chair - I think they are still in quite a shock how could something like that happend with them and their country. Yes, I have also seen and heard about people whose life seems to have changed a lot to the bad side because of this crisis, but still I have a feeling, that most of the people are in better financial situation than they are complaining about.

    Thank you, Reetta, for your comment and good words! :)
