Sunday, November 13, 2011

After visiting Athens

The last two days I spend in Athens. Nice city, modern and ancient at the same time. While beeing there I stayed in a very good hotel. The staff was very nice and polite, the rooms were good. Only the location - during eveneing there for the first time in Greece I really felt unsafe. The staff of the hotel told us that the place used to be very good, safe, nice and clean. But after about 2 years ago a huge emigration wave started - everything changed...
In some Latvian newspapers I read about how bad it is in Greece, in Athens, that people are really struggling, that cafes are empty. Actually, maybe I did not managed to visit all te places, and the right districts to see that, but where I were everything seemed like it should be - a lot of people in the shoping places, between that sitting also in cafes, despite also the weather. So maybe it is not so bad here anyway...

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